We’re pleased to announce that the programme for this year’s DI4R conference is now online, and promises that DI4R 2018 will be the biggest and best yet! With a packed programme of sessions, posters and networking opportunities, the three-day event will cater for everybody with an interest in European e-infrastructures and services, and how they can best support Europe’s user base.
Jointly organised by EOSC-hub, GÉANT, OpenAIRE and PRACE, the event is to be held in Lisbon from 9-11 October.
The DI4R 2018 Programme Committee is chaired by Sinéad Ryan (Trinity College) and Volker Gülzow (DESY). The co-chairs invite everyone with an interest in e-infrastructure applications to research to register and be part of the DI4R conversation.
“No Computing - No Science!,” says Gülzow. “DI4R discusses new technologies but more important is getting people together across disciplines and talk to each other during workshops or over coffee. So take the opportunity and join us for a great event at DI4R 2018 in Lisbon.”
Ryan adds: “Digital infrastructures underpin research - enabling simulation, visualisation, storage and analysis and helping collaboration and innovation in an era of big data and large-scale computation. The event in Lisbon promises a lively and informative conference and a great opportunity to hear about new ideas that are allowing science to flourish.”
So if you have yet to register, do so now – please note Early Bird Registration ends on 17 August
Programme: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/3973/timetable/#20181009
Early Bird Registration (deadline 17 August 2018): https://www.lip.pt/events/2018/DI4R/