Make sure you join us! Early Bird Registration is extended to the 3rd of November 2017!
The full programme of the 2017 edition of the Digital Infrastructures for Research Conference is now available online at https://goo.gl/TRSTM4
Under the theme of “Connecting the building blocks for Open Science”, the conference programme builds around 2 plenaries and 12 breakout sessions addressing 6 key topics: Interoperability, Data Science and Skills, Impact evaluation and metrics, Security, trust and identity, EOSC and EDI building blocks and Business models, sustainability and policies.
Complemented with 35 presentations and 8 lightning talks, the conference's programme will offer a unique opportunity to network and build collaborations via its demo and poster sessions held throughout the conference duration showcasing innovative solutions, services, initiatives and success stories that support open science and its building blocks.
Attendees will hear from our world-renowned keynote speakers: Katrin Amunts, Professor for Brain Research at the Cécile and Oscar Vogt Institute for Brain Research at the Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf, Director of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Research Centre Juelich and Jo van den Brand, Professor of Physics at VU University Amsterdam, researcher at Nikhef, the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics and VIRGO spokesperson.
Furthermore participants will have the opportunity to discuss in detail and make concrete progress during the breakout sessions as ultimately DI4R 2017 is focused on showcasing, best practices, policies and processes, data and the services necessary for the support of the research process and advancement of scientific knowledge and open science.
DI4R2017 will also mark the start of the first OpenAIRE Datathon, aiming to stimulate developers and data scientists to analyse and adopt the OpenAIRE Information Space. To find out more about the DI4R Associated events visit https://www.digitalinfrastructures.eu/programme/di4r-associated-events
There are still a few days left to take advantage of the Early Bird registration.
To secure your spot register now at https://www.digitalinfrastructures.eu/register_and_plan Early Bird closes on the 3rd of November midnight CEST.
For more details on the conference components and opportunities visit www.digitalinfrastructures.eu
Follow us on twitter at @DI4R_eu and join the #DI4R2017 conversation.