DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURES for RESEARCH 2018 | Serving the user base

EGI FedCloud in Digital Humanities

Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - 16:00


The presentation will provide an overview of the work conducted within the DARIAH Competence Centre, one of the 8 competence centres established during the EGI-Engage project. The DARIAH Competence Centre aims to broaden the usage of e-Infrastructure for the research domain of digital arts and humanities. The digital humanities, represented by the DARIAH-ERIC, is a very large resource community in the domain of arts and humanities, whose exploitation of the open science research infrastructures is still very low. On the presentation we will present the main e-infrastructural requirement of the DARIAH community and how to efficiently meet their needs. Concretely, we will demonstrate the DARIAH science gateway, a workflow-based science portal serving as a central access point for the EGI FedCloud resources for the DARIAH users. Furthermore, several services and applications, developed and tailored for a specific users needs, will be presented and finally, the plan how these services will be integrated into DARIAH science gateway to become a one-stop-shop for DARIAH researcher looking for an access to advanced infrastructures.


Target Audience:

The target audience of the presentation are the researcher in the domain of arts and humanities, applications and service providers and developers who want to adopt their use cases and applications by using the cloud-oriented platforms developed during the DARIAH Competence Centre.


Benefits for Audience:

On the presentation, the participants will get an overview of what has been done so far in approaching the EGI FedCloud technologies to the DARIAH community through DARIAH Competence Centre. In addition they will get an insight of what are the community's main e-Infrastructure needs and requirements and how DARIAH Competence Centre addresses this issues.


Topic 1: Challenges facing users and service providers


Presenter Organisation URL
Davor Davidovic Rudjer Boskovic Institute